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Application to

· 2 min read

d School

Confession of a Stanford Sloan Fellow Series EP34

dMediais a course from of Stanford in the coming Winter Quarter. As most other design-themed courses from Stanford's trendy Design School, it has a somewhat idiosyncratic application, in which I need to do this:

Share a single url that describes how your past experience has prepared you to contribute to the dmedia class- a portfolio, a pdf, a flickr page, a twitter feed, a video, an example of your work online-preferably something we haven't thought of... it's up to you. Please make sure your name & a title / description on the url is visible so we know it's you.

So I've laid out my answer in this page - why I think I can make a meaningful contribution to the dmedia class.

  1. I'm familiar with developing mobile applications on smartphones. I've co-founded a startup that develops mobile applications (iOS & Android) leveraging the largest social network in China.Our app once made it into Top 10 in the Local Life Category in Apps Store China.


  2. I have always been a visionary and evangelist when it comes to the smartphone revolution. I drew this chart in 2007, right after buying my first iPhone (Generation 1), and made bold predictions about Apple's entire consumer strategy in the future. Most of my predictions have come into reality five years after.

  3. I'm very experienced in creating enthralling entertainment contents for mass distribution. On Oct 12, 2012, I directed and produced the wildly successful Stanford GSB Flash Mob that took place in Stanford Knight Management Center on Oct 12, and made it into a viral hit on Youtube. On Nov 12, I led a team of 26 Sloans to perform Gangnam Style during the half-time show of Stanford Men's Basketball Game in Maples Pavilion.

  4. I'm a hard-core user on most of the prevailing SNS platforms, such as Facebook, Linkedin, Instagram, Weibo (China). I have 12,892 followers on Weibo, China's largest social network (similar to Twitter), and 2,400 followers on Instagram. I know very well how SNS have evolved over the last few years. My guides/walkthroughs on using Weibo and Instagram have been widely quoted in China.

With that, I hope I have convinced you that I will be a valuable addition to your class. Thank you.