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· 4 min read

Kendall Square






三楼是卧室,窗外隐隐传来Kendall Square的喧嚣,麻神理工神经叨叨的学生们又要开工了。


公寓旁的Kendall Square有家艺术影院。到了周末,我们站在一群白发苍苍的老爷爷老奶奶中,安静地排队买票,听听大家的吐槽和分享,逐渐接触到了《老男孩》里爆裂阴沉的朴赞郁,《春夏秋冬又一春》里禅意绵绵的金基德,和《色·戒》里忍无可忍无需再忍的李安。

离公寓更远一点,就是北美华人第一膜拜圣地 - 哈佛广场。这里的一家电影院里,每个周六晚都播放同一部电影《Rocky Horror Picture Show》,来自全世界各地的死忠粉在电影院外cosplay的场面能把无辜的路人吓个半死。



· One min read


The six habits of a highly likely technology noob:

  1. Your have more than ONE personal email addresses and your friends are always confused which one to use and spend countless hours verifying and re-verifying if you have received that missing email.

  2. You use work email address for personal emails.

  3. You still use for email (except if you're from Taiwan or Japan originally).

  4. You have more than TWO mobile numbers in one country and your friends are always confused which one to call you at and they often end up not calling you at all out of frustration and confusion.

  5. You have more than ONE WeChat account. You forgot how to delete the first one and you keep your two WeChat accounts in the same chat group and confuse the hell out of everyone else.

  6. You still don't have your personalized URL on Linkedin, so your Linkedin URL reads like an unrecognizable random character string.

How many have you been hit on?