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SINGAPORE, Aug. 9, 2023 PR Newswire

On August 9, the DFINITY Foundation, a key contributor to the Internet Computer blockchain, recently announced its participation in the Blockchain Security Alliance, a collaborative initiative launched by Beosin and SUSS NiFT. The Blockchain Security Alliance is composed of various units with diverse industry backgrounds, including university institutions, blockchain security companies, industry associations, and fintech service providers. The Blockchain Security Alliance welcomes DFINITY into its ranks alongside Beosin, SUSS NiFT, NUS AIDF, BAS, FOMO Pay, Onchain Custodian, Semisand, Coinhako, ParityBit, and Huawei Cloud as its first batch of board members.

The Internet Computer blockchain, introduces autonomous serverless cloud functionality to the public internet. This groundbreaking advancement empowers developers to construct almost any system or service entirely on a decentralized network using "canister software," an evolution of smart contracts.

By joining the Blockchain Security Alliance, DFINITY endorses the importance of collaboration and mutual cooperation among members to enhance security across the global blockchain ecosystem. Herbert Yang, DFINITY GM of Asia, emphasized that "Security has always been one of DFINITY's top concerns as a decentralized internet computing platform. With 42 members at present, the Alliance stands as a united front committed to safeguarding the integrity and security of the blockchain industry". The Alliance extends an open invitation to other blockchain-related entities to join forces and collectively defend the security of the entire ecosystem.

As a founding member of the Blockchain Security Alliance, Beosin plays a pivotal role in fortifying the security of the ecosystem. Co-founded by esteemed professors from world-renowned universities and supported by a team of over 40 Ph.D. experts, Beosin leads the way as a leading global blockchain security company. The company's widespread presence includes offices in Singapore, South Korea, Japan, and over ten other countries, underscoring its commitment to securing the blockchain ecosystem on a global scale.

With its mission of "Secure the Blockchain Ecosystem," Beosin offers a comprehensive "All-in-one" blockchain security solution encompassing Smart Contract Audits, Risk Monitoring & Alerts, KYT/AML, and Crypto Tracing. The company's impressive track record includes auditing over 3000 smart contracts, including notable Web3 projects such as PancakeSwap, Uniswap, DAI, and OKSwap. All of these audited projects are closely monitored by Beosin EagleEye, ensuring continuous oversight and protection.

Beosin's dedication to the blockchain community extends to its KYT/AML solutions, serving over 100 institutions.

In further support of the ICP ecosystem, Beosin has recently conducted audits for two ICP projects, MID and Catalyze. These audits exemplify Beosin's commitment to the security and integrity of the ICP ecosystem, and its role in protecting DFINITY and other blockchain projects.

"We are delighted to have DFINITY join the Blockchain Security Alliance," said Tommy Deng, Managing Director at Beosin. "Together with DFINITY and other Alliance members, we strive to establish an ecosystem where innovation thrives amidst robust security measures. Beosin's recent audits of MID and Catalyze reflect our dedication to fortifying the ICP ecosystem and safeguarding the broader blockchain industry."

The Blockchain Security Alliance has held several successful offline events since its inception. Last year's inaugural event "ENABLING A DIVERSE ECOSYSTEM IN WEB3.0" received active participation from alliance members. The alliance members have jointly produced multiple reports on blockchain ecosystem security, widely disseminated within the industry.

As co-organizers of the alliance, Beosin and SUSS NiFT warmly welcome DFINITY's participation and commit to furthering the alliance's work to contribute to the security development of the blockchain industry. The alliance aims to enhance the industry's security capabilities through security research, technical exchanges, and collaborations, providing strong support for the industry's long-term growth.

About the DFINITY Foundation

The DFINITY Foundation is a not-for-profit organization comprised of leading cryptographers, computer scientists and experts in distributed computing. With a mission to shift cloud computing into a fully decentralized state, the Foundation leveraged its experience to create the Internet Computer and currently operates as a major contributor to the network.

· 43 min read

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Herbert:我们有篇Medium的文章《DFINITY Thoughts on the SEC’s 6 June Complaint Against Coinbase》专门回应这个话题。




CoinVoice:DFINITY 创始人表示,DFINITY 未来可能入驻香港数码港,背后有什么用意?

Herbert:DFINITY的创始人Dominic Williams (“Dom”) 在四月份来到香港,受邀参加Hashkey Group举办的Web3 Festival,在Day 1的主讲台上做了主题演讲,分享互联网计算机主网上线两年以来获得的蓬勃发展,ICP生态呈现的百花齐放的下一代Web3产品,以及激动人心的ICP发展蓝图。在L1公链的几位OG创始人里面,Dom应该是唯一当时来到香港的。DFINITY亚太团队为Dom在香港的这几天密集安排了跟华语IC社区主要开发者,社区领袖,投资机构,以及香港政府高管的会面。Dom对香港的印象非常好,深刻的感受到了亚洲华人社区对互联网计算机的巨大热情和殷切的期待。


Dom的这个想法体现了DFINITY基金会对亚太社区的高度重视。DFINITY基金会虽然总部设立在瑞士,270人的全球团队里主要分布在欧洲和美国,但是跟亚洲有很深的渊源。早期的联合创始人Dom Ding来自中国,后来在硅谷遇到Dom,通过自己的孵化器Spring Labs孵化了DFINITY。DFINITY在成立初期,就得到了一众最具影响力的亚洲投资机构的鼎力支持 - Hashkey Group, Fenbushi Capital, SNZ Capital, 真格基金,Amino Capital,安密资本等多家机构的天使投资。正是有这批独具慧眼的亚洲投资机构的早期价值发现,才有了后来的硅谷顶流VC a16z和Polychain的投资和众多国际投资机构的认可。

两年前ICP的主网成功上线后,DFINITY成立了亚太团队,从此开始在亚太地区,尤其是华人社区深耕生态发展的各种机遇和途径,走出了一条跟欧美社区相比独具特色的发展路线。DFINITY连续两年成为万向区块链集团每年一度举办的行业盛会 - 上海区块链全球峰会的独家钻石赞助商,邀请Dom在大会上做主题演讲,大会期间在上海举办了盛况空前的ICP开发者线下聚会,重新跟中国最硬核的一批开发者,跟早期投资人群体,跟行业里各大社区,以及多家生态机构建立了紧密的合作关系。DFINITY跟万向还合作了一个IC孵化营,孵化了10家颇具潜力的早期创业公司,其中的Dmail, Relation Labs和AstroX陆续成功融资,充分利用ICP独特的技术,在产品落地,用户积累和海外扩展上都取得了迅猛的发展。在亚太团队和社区领袖们的精诚合作下,ICP亚太区项目的数量和影响力稳步提高,从最初在全球生态里10%的份额提升到近40%。




ICP的价格开始下跌后,很多投资人对ICP生态的信心受到影响。这一点我们完全可以理解 - 我们也不希望看到这种情况,我们基金会自己也是受害者。一部分投资人,了解我们团队,知道我们有苦难言。他们继续支持我们,跟我们在行业活动中合作,投资我们生态里的初创企业。有不少投资人,因为曾经受过伤,逐渐淡出我们的生态,这是非常可惜的。在区块链行业,很多项目公司跑路,辜负投资人和开发者社区的信任,这种例子比比皆是,每天都在上演。看一个团队是不是有这种倾向,其实很简单 - 就是看他们是不是在认真做事情,是不是在顶着行业的嘲讽和攻击,继续走自己的路,持续地开发产品,还是逐渐就销声匿迹,躺平摸鱼。

ICP自从2021年5月10日主网上线后,ICP协议经历了140多次的升级,这在行业里是难以想象的 - 其他的L1区块链一年内有2-3次升级就不错了。在Electric Capital于2023年1月17日发布的 “2022年度开发者报告”里,ICP生态的全职开发者活动相比2021年增长了94%,在行业一线的大生态里(起码拥有100名义上的全职开发者),这是排名第二的年度增长率;如果包括兼职开发者的话,ICP整体的开发者活动在2022年增长了48%,在一线的生态里(拥有300名以上的开发者)排名第三。从2018年到2022年间,全职开发者在ICP里的人数增长了40倍,而ICP主网上线就只有一年半的时间 - 这说明ICP在很短的时间里就达到甚至超越了行业里大多数其他公链生态的水平。



Dom在2021年1月6日发布超长文章,“互联网计算机的20年路线图”,值得一读。我以前在GE (通用电气)里做资本业务部门的CFO,回国后在多家创业公司里担任CFO和CEO,写过看过无数商业计划书,后来在AWS负责大中华区的初创企业事业部,参与AWS全球Startup战略手册的编写。我从来没见过20年的规划,而且,也从来没见过有团队可以在前几年竟然一步步把这个野心勃勃的规划几乎都实现了,直到我加入了DFINITY。

第二,大家看到了ICP技术卓尔不群的地方,能在ICP上做出在其他任何技术平台无法实现的场景和产品。区块链行业里,太多的公链在做重复的工作,都是希望自己做得比以太坊在某个方面好一点,然后大肆宣传,上一波热搜,吸引同样的一群开发者蜂涌而至,把同样的金融产品,在不同的链上再做一遍,再多拿一家基金会的grant。这么几年折腾下来,大家也该累了吧。如果区块链不能走出金融行业的话,是无法破圈的。如果大家只是不断地重复以太坊的叙事,希望在以太坊下一个升级之前自己先打个补丁卖个L1或者L2的故事圈一把钱,并不能解决现在行业无法被大众互联网用户接受的尴尬局面。ICP是世界上唯一可以运行网络应用前端的区块链网络 - 也就是说,一个网站,一个互联网服务,一个SaaS产品,它的前端和后端都可以运行在ICP的容器型智能合约里。以太坊体系的Solidity合约只不过是做到分布式的账本,定义数字资产的所有权而已,它独一无二的原子性的确带来各种高效的交易,但这些玩法仍然跳不出华尔街所擅长的传统金融投资的范畴。 ICP的智能合约可以提供不光是分布式的账本(并把数据隐私权归还到开发者手里),还有分布式的算力和数据存储。ICP更像是一个去中心化的AWS,它的天花板,是整个目前云计算行业譬如AWS, GCP, Azure,阿里云,腾讯云所看重的IT基础设施行业,一个每年4万亿美元的市场。甚至可以说,就连AWS的版图都无法限定ICP的边界 - AWS是IaaS (Infrastructure-as-as-Service)的领头羊,广袤的PaaS (Platform-as-a-Service) 和百家争鸣的SaaS (Software-as-a-Service)市场是AWS难以插手的。ICP的主网协议其实就已经包括了IaaS和PaaS,而SaaS这个层面未来的繁荣和百花齐放都将通过ICP代币经济里的cycles燃烧机制跟ICP的价值直接挂钩,这是crypto行业独特的魅力,是Web2大厂永远无法企及的一个值得期待的未来。


Herbert:大家都在谈多链。多链的格局,比较符合这个行业潮起潮落,此起彼伏的特点,也比较容易让大多数人接受。关键的问题是,未来将会有多少家公链。我并不认为这个数字会太大 - 几十上百家跟以太坊看起来没什么本质区别的公链彼此之间不会有什么竞争力,开发者,投资人和用户很快就会厌倦掉。作为数字资产,有比特币就可以了;做金融资产,以太坊目前的地位也难以撼动。在应用链里,特定垂直领域里的公链有几家,但是他们如果不能解决一个开发者做一个网络应用所需要的全部模块的话,就必须得依赖中心化的跨链桥或者某些中心化的服务器 - 这都是巨大的安全隐患,已经无需再论证,只不过这个行业里大家不愿意正面提这个尴尬的话题而已。


我觉得,金融投资的叙事已经呈现疲态,市场终究会回归到本质,开始关注互联网底层基础设施服务。ICP选择了一条最为艰难甚至孤独的路径,因为我们认为这是唯一可以持续走下去,而且值得走下去的路。这条泥泞小径一旦走出来,将越来越宽广,越来越平坦。过去两年,ICP主网没有一次宕机,其中虽然经历过几次NFT热潮和公募所引发的网络拥堵和性能下降,但主网都挺过来了,让我们学到了很多宝贵的经验,主网抗压能力越来越强。经过这两年的磨炼,ICP网络的各项性能指标稳步上升,跟区块链同行完全不在一个维度的级别上。存储1GB/年的数据,在以太坊上需要1500万美元,Solana上需要4万8千美元,ICP上需要5美元。ICP上的数据传输成本是AWS的七分之一。ICP每秒可以处理的交易量是4千次以上,而以太坊是二位数。 在多链的格局下,一家公链只有提供与众不同的价值,让开发者可以做到在其他任何技术栈无法实现的场景,才有存在的价值。很多开发者团队已经利用ICP技术的特点,在金融,社交,生产力工具,游戏,人工智能这六大赛道初露头角。

IC Lighthouse是世界上第一家从前端到后端100%都部署在区块链上的crypto交易平台,完全用DFINITY自创的Motoko语言写就。用户再不用担心自己的资产被中心化平台挪用,出现FTX这样的丑闻。Hot or Not 把短视频的抖音模式搬到了IC上,利用Web3独特的代币经济来激发消极用户的积极性。Mora彻底改写了内容创作者和用户以及平台之间的关系,让内容创作者可以真正100%拥有所有自己输出的内容和获取粉丝,完全独立于前端平台。Dmail做到了在ICP网络上直接接收和发送电子邮件,直接挑战高度中心化和毫不顾忌用户隐私的Gmail,上线以来达到了3万日活用户和30万总用户,还成为Worldcoin的合作伙伴,涨势惊人。Cubetopia在ICP上构建了一个“我的世界”,完全不需依赖AWS这样的中心化服务器,证明哪怕是游戏,完全可以做到前后端100%上链,让游戏玩家真正拥有自己的资产。最近在ICP生态引起多方热议的EMC团队即将在ICP主网上线一个AI算力的交易平台,逐步在ICP上部署AIGC的应用,将自己已有的上万名开发者社区带入ICP。



Herbert:ICP独树一帜的技术使得ICP非常适合跟其他公链合作。今年年初我们的R&D团队完成了社区翘首以待的BTC-ICP集成,利用链钥密码学技术,在不需要中心化的跨链桥的情况下,实现了ICP主网上的智能合约和BTC主网之间的互通。这项技术使得用户可以通过ICP的智能合约来控制BTC钱包,实际上赋予了比特币网络智能合约的功能,而且,速度会快很多,成本低很多。其他公链跟BTC想合作,都是依赖各种中心化的跨链桥。中心化的跨链桥必不长久,因为它们都依赖某个具有管理员权限的个人。DFINITY开发的这套开源协议,通过密码学在技术层面解决了人的问题,这是行业里一个极有颠覆新的创新。DFINITY基金会还做了一个叫做ckBTC的代币,跟BTC是1:1的关系,用户用ckBTC,可以直接在ICP主网上交易,不需要收到BTC网络的延迟和日益高涨的交易费的限制。而且,ckBTC启用了KYT (know-your-transaction)来屏蔽黑比特币,确保在ckBTC上交易的钱包地址都可以到传统金融机构的认可。

过去几个月BTC社区大火,很多开发者都因为Ordinal和BRC-20的的火爆进入Web3,开始做BTC的应用开发。BTC自身的开发语言非常简单,能做的事情很有限。但如果跟ICP公链上业界最先进的容器型智能合约相结合的话,则可开创几乎无限的想象空间和使用场景。譬如,大家不再需要在BTC网络上通过自己的钱包来交易Ordinal,而是可以用ICP网络上的一个容器型智能合约来控制拥有Ordinal的BTC钱包地址,然后在ICP网络上跟对方交易容器就可以了 - 交换ICP容器的成本是0.04美分,最后达到一样的实际效果。

现在BTC社区里踌躇满志的新一代开发者很多来自Web2,他们既然来到Web3,希望可以找到正统的叙事,投身入一个时代的洪流中。在区块链行业,BTC是最正统的叙事。以太坊生态里已经山头林立,对于新入局的开发者来说,找到好机会并不容易,不是因为技术的问题,而是因为生态里的资源已经被几年前入行的人垄断了。在这种情况下,BTC-ICP的强强联手,给注重技术的开发者们提供了一个绝佳的书写新一轮叙事的机会。DFINITY基金会刚刚跟Encode合作了一个BTC-ICP集成的黑客松,上百个团队踊跃报名,最后的Demo Day的名单在这里可以看到:。

除了BTC,ICP生态也在积极接触以太坊生态的开发者。几年前Vitalik提出了“世界计算机”的愿景后,限于以太坊自身的技术条件,一直难以实现。ICP集账本,算力,存储三位一体的技术栈,为实现这个宏远的目标提供了非常好的技术土壤。DFINITY基金会的R&D团队,以及社区里技术能力强的团队,譬如IC Lighthouse和Bitfinity,正在紧锣密鼓地开发ETH-ICP的集成。这个路线图功能一旦落地,IC网络就可以兼容以太坊ERC-20和ERC-721的协议,可以引入稳定币,可以使得ETH和ICP的TVL开始流通,甚至可以兼容EVM,大大降低以太坊生态里的开发者进入IC生态的门槛。Bitfinity团队已经成功地在IC上的容器里部署了EVM,可以实现以太坊L1和各种L2同样的功能,但是共识和安全机制依托在ICP L1,从而做到大幅度加快共识速度而且降低交易成本。DFINITY基金会创始人和首席科学家Dom这几天正在巴黎参加ETH Paris。DFINITY最近密集地参加了一系列以太坊生态的活动,从美国丹佛到黑山再到巴黎,就是希望更多的开发者可以接触到ICP与众不同的跨链技术。



第一是很多资本方已经重度押宝泛以太坊生态,而ICP技术是如此超前行业,她的存在对很多其他技术栈提出了更高的要求 - 如果他们希望跟上ICP的研发进度。譬如行业里让大家碎碎念的sharding,在ICP主网两年前上线的时候就已经解决了,我们称作“子网”(Subnet),后来有些同行业也把名词从sharding改为子网。现在ICP上有36个子网,在横向扩容方面没有限制。如果网络需要更多的算力和存储资源,就设立更多的子网。同一个子网内的智能合约,跨越不同子网之间的智能合约,都可以以actor模式互相通信。有的做数据存储的公链,几个月前宣布智能合约终于上线了 - ICP两年前主网上线时就有了完整的智能合约,而且功能远超以太坊。

ICP的技术跟传统区块链的区别太大了,她其实更像一个去中心化的AWS,她的功能远远超越了传统一个L1公链的范畴。传统公链基本活在以太坊的叙事里,仅仅提供分布式的账本,然后大家心照不宣地默默地把数据和节点放在AWS上,对外宣传的时候把Web3的姿态拉满 - 虽然从数据主权到社区自治,无不依赖中心化的服务和具备root权限的管理员。而ICP除了账本,还可以提供去中心化的算力和数据存储,从互联网最底层的协议层面彻底改写了互联网的基础设施。对于很多区块链的OG来说,理解这一点其实是颇有认知障碍的,而且,这意味着大家得推翻自己原有的投资策略,需要很多勇气。承认ICP的技术优越性将不可避免地得出一个结论 - 就是行业里大部分的公链其实提供的价值很有限,大多数在做以太坊L1的修补工作,最后难免成为资本游戏的一个速跑版。

第二是ICP的技术过于独特,提出了很多跟以太坊非常不一样的技术概念,对开发者和行业分析师来说,如果没有Web2领域对云计算一整套的深刻理解,仅仅只是知道Solidity合约的话,实际是无法理解ICP的巨大威力的,甚至无法理解ICP的智能合约为什么被称作”容器“ - 而这个名字对云计算行业的开发者来说就很容易理解 - 容器就是一个轻量级的docker。ICP的智能合约,其实更偏向于是一种actor程序。这种影响就是很多行业分析公司,不管是Messari还是DeFi Llama, 因为看不懂ICP而自动把ICP的统计数据排除在外,这非常影响ICP技术的传播。譬如,DeFi Llama在计算各大公链的TVL时候,仅仅只是统计了IC生态里的一家DEX Sonic的百万美元级别的TVL。可是,在ICP公链的NNS(Network Nervous System, or 网络神经系统)上,质押了14亿美元的资产。这部分资产,足以使ICP位列TVL最高的几家公链生态之一。

ICP上的节点没有质押ICP挖矿的概念,所以很多统计公司就不把NNS上的资产纳入到行业数据里,这对ICP是非常不公平的。那为什么ICP上没有挖矿的概念呢?因为ICP节点的准入机制既不是耗费能源的PoW(BTC),也不是高度中心化资金高度集中的PoS(ETH 2.0),而是PoUW - Proof of Useful Work,也就是说,ICP网络通过NNS这个高度智能和自动化的DAO来根据节点提供的算力资源来支付节点。这是一个云计算服务的概念,在互联网和整个科技行业在过去的十五年已经是从政府到企业用户都认可的资源分配方式,但恰恰跟区块链行业熟悉的资本盘概念格格不入。


我从GE Capital时代到AWS时代,经历了Web1到Web2的各大潮流和风口,我从来没有见过一个比ICP更为激动人心的愿景和如此野心勃勃的项目。它的尴尬和偶然的不知所措,我觉得都是可以理解的。它收到如此经常性的攻击,嘲讽和忽略,放眼过去三十年,也并非没有先例。乔布斯1997年重返苹果,和马斯克在2008年推出第一代特斯拉跑车,都跟现在ICP处于的情景有很多类似地方。三家公司(ICP不是公司而是一个生态,但我们姑且这么称呼,方便比较)都显得非常离经叛道,完全背离当时行业主流叙事。具体地说,第一,都是坚定地走一站式垂直整合的路线(全栈式技术),而当时行业都是走横向联合互相兼容的风范(各种跨链多链);第二,做出的第一代产品都是面对小众,但是都是最硬核,最有情怀的小众客户;第三,企业风格都偏向内敛或者保守,跟行业其他从业者颇为不同。领导人的风格也令人侧目,相当地特立独行。当然,最大的共同点,则是前两家公司都彻底颠覆了整个行业,掀起了波澜壮阔的创新革命,至今方兴未艾。这也是DFINITY基金会和ICP生态的使命。



· 8 min read


Highlights from the two-hour Zoom call with the Chinese community on 2022/10/10 and the recorded video can be watched on Bilibili:

Below is only my first draft of the meeting. All are welcome to comment on the original Google Doc and suggest edits if anything is missing or should be added to this draft.

Suggestions and comments:

Named Neurons

  • Named neurons are contributing a lot to the IC community. They should be ranked to reflect their reputation, influence via following, and standing in the community. . (Millions)
  • NNS can create more fields for the named neurons so voters can get to know them better, such as a brief bio/background introduction. Currently, there is only one field for their names. (Millions)

Deliberation on Motion Proposals

  • Need a mechanism and venue to allow named neurons to not only deliberate their proposals, but also comment on how they cast their votes. Currently, followers only see the result of their votes, but can’t find out easily why they vote so and what factors they have taken into consideration when casting the vote. (Millions)
  • NNS should remain a pure-play voting platform, as the last step to officialize motions. Deliberation and discussion on voting are important, but they should not be integrated into NNS and should take place outside of NNS. Most end users will never/rarely go into NNS. Detailed discussions can take place (BlockPunk).
  • The Google Doc-based discussion for ICTC was a good example. (BlockPunk)
  • Need to preserve the interim discussions for proposals as well, not just the final result. Need to make it easy for new members to the IC ecosystem to find those discussion threads. Developer Foum ( has too many different things, is too wide-ranging, and not easy to find the right topics for newcomers. The discussion threads for important proposals should be streamlined and placed in a dedicated/special place so that the community understands the thought process leading up to the final result. (问心)
  • The discussions for motion proposals can be saved on a reputable media platform (Mike Zeng)

NNS API & Tooling


  • Besides Yes/No, NNS should leave room for more varieties of questions, such as multiple choices, or re-ordering/prioritization of certain options (roadmap milestones). (BlockPunk)
  • DFINITY could create a TODO journal that has lower granularity of Roadmap, so that we can all keep track of more specific/detailed items. It doesn’t have to be super polished. It could be fluid and be changed/updated by lead developers as needed. It will be helpful for the developers in the IC community to know what’s being worked on. (问心)

Roadmap & Feature Requests

  • It’s very important to determine which features/milestones should be tackled first and DFINITY should listen to the community for suggestions and feedback more, rather than making sudden and unilateral decisions. (BlockPunk)
  • Roadmap should fall under the scope of the Governance Working Group (BlockPunk)
  • Need to separate IT project management from NNS voting. With limited resources from DFINITY and the fact that DFINITY remains the only developer that can make substantial changes to the ICP stack, NNS proposals need to focus on the high-level, most impactful features, otherwise it would become too much burden for the foundation, and may divert the focus on P0/P1 features. (Paul Liu)
  • It makes sense to create a working group just for Roadmap (BlockPunk, Paul Liu)
  • Can try to collect feature requests from the community and prioritize them. (Millions)
  • What happened to PeopleParty? It just went quiet all of a sudden without an explanation. (BlockPunk)
  • PeopleParty team was separate from the NNS team and they continue to work on this feature with now more collaboration with the community (Paul Liu)
  • DFINITY should have done a better job explaining to the community the changed direction of such P0/P1 features. PeopleParty ran into some technical challenges that were found hard to solve so it was moved to the back burner. (Herbert)

Governance Incentives

  • The reward system is highly asymetrical to the proposal initiators. There is only punishment (10 ICPs if the motion is not passed) and no rewards (if motion is passed). (Millions)
  • The most important thing for IC is to find a way to encourage and incentivize more people to participate in NNS governance. Even though the 8YearGang Chinese group on OpenChat already has 5,000+ members, most don’t activately participate in NNS. (Millions)
  • Need a treasury to issue rewards to initiators of governance proposals (Millions)
  • May need a special grant besides Developer Grant and Community Awards, to incentivize and subsidize members of the community to work on motion proposals. (Brutoshi)
  • Maybe can use NNS to issue bounties to invite community developers to build certain apps. (Rushi)

Developer Support

  • Github issues are not being followed up or closed promptly. Question/PR was raised on Github but no response from DFINITY so far. (Witter)
  • After much push from the community, DFINITY finally adopted NAT’s serialization, but JSON is still not supported yet. (Witter)
  • Developers can escalate their unanswered questions to me and I’ll help escalate to the R&D leadership team on DFINITY’s internal Tuesday weekly community discussion call. (Herbert)
  • Need a robust mechanism to respond and follow up with developers, so that developers know where to ask questions, find documentations, and seek help. (Millions, Witter, many)
  • We’re evaluating various ticketing plugins that could be integrated into ICP Discord server, so that DFINITY and the community can better track how these questions are followed up. Suggestions are welcome. (Herbert)

Ongoing Communication between DFINITY & IC Community

  • All are welcome to attend DFINITY’s monthly public R&D call to watch demos, sync up on milestone progress, ask questions, and share feedback. We can use more attendance and representatives from Asia/Chinese community. (Herbert)
  • Many IC developers have been also invited to attend DFINITY’s weekly calls as well. If anyone wants to join, let me know and I’ll ask DFINITY’s R&D team to invite you. (Herbert)
  • Dom is willing to listen to the community and take feedback, from my personal interaction with him in Singapore. (Shao-an)
  • We need a lot more community discussions like this (Shao-an)
  • We’ll create a regular bi-weekly Chinese community call series on every other Monday (Brutoshi, Herbert, and all)

Tokenomics & Other Topics

  • The working group should probably have partial power to influence the design of the IC tokenomics, so that it can drive discussions more effectively in the community. (BlockPunk) It took way too long to launch the token standard (
  • DFINITY has been acting too slowly on important initiatives, such as the token standard. The community needs to push DFINITY to focus on the most important initiatives, rather than waiting for DFINITY (to get its act together…) (Shao-an)
  • SNS is already usable, but most IC developers are still waiting for OpenChat to be the first one to adopt it and see how it goes, before getting on it. It still needs a front-end and other pieces to be more complete. If there are issues with SNS, they will probably not manifest in the initial adoption, but only through later stage. (BlockPunk)

General Ecosystem Growth

  • Hackathon, community county, and developer-driven applications should collectively create healthy competition among IC developers and incentivize them to create the best apps. (Rushi)
  • What is holding back the integration with stable coins? They’re essential to kickoff DeFi on IC. (Millions)
  • It was hard to start the discussion with stable coins before the IC token standard was established and when IC’s TVL was low. Now the ICRC-1 has been released and is slowly being adopted, maybe it’s time to kick some tires. I’ll touch base with Lomesh and see if we’ve had any update on that front. (Herbert)
  • Why so many leading industry analytic firms in crypto such as DappRadar just routingly ignore the existence of the ICP ecosystem and do not include ecosystem growth measures of ICP into their reports? (Many)
  • ICP is not compatible with EVM and before the launch of ICScan (, it’s difficult to get consistent ecosystem data from IC.
  • No enough marketing or BD effort from DFINITY to promote IC (Millions)

· One min read

unfold with bob

On September 13, 2022, Bob Bodily, co-founder and CEO of Toniq Labs, the creator behind the largest NFT marketplace Entrepot on the Internet Computer, shared his personal journey on IC at the first episode of Unfold with Herbert Yang.

· One min read

ICP Maximalist

On April 8, 2022, ICP Maximalist, one of the largest communities on the Internet Computer, hosted an AMA with Herbert Yang to talk about all things IC. Hit the Play button below to listen to the recorded talk.

· 3 min read

Date: Feb 01, 2022

Huobi Incubator, the project incubation arm of Huobi Global, today announced a strategic partnership with the DFINITY Foundation, a major contributor to the Internet Computer, the most powerful general-purpose blockchain to build infinitely scalable Web3 dapps.

The partnership will see Huobi Incubator provide end-to-end support for Internet Computer-based Web3 dapps, DeFi, Games, NFTs, Social Media, and Metaverse projects — including seed round investment, technology guidance, marketing and community engagement, and more. Huobi Incubator will also assist with the Internet Computer’s native asset transfer and multi-chain deployments for Web3 projects that require it.

This partnership also reflects Huobi Incubator’s confidence in the Internet Computer’s rapidly growing ecosystem since Genesis launch last May. According to the Electric Capital Developer Report, the Internet Computer is one of the fastest-growing developer ecosystems in 2021 — growing 368%. As of February 2022, evidenced by over 30,000 canister smart contracts deployed on the network, over a thousand developers are hard at work building on the Internet Computer, encompassing DeFi, play-to-earn and GameFi, NFTs and marketplaces, instant message and social media dapps, enterprise software, as well as infrastructure and metaverse projects.

At the same time, notable venture capitalists are creating ecosystem funds to back Internet Computer-based projects. Polychain Capital launched the Beacon Fund, alongside Andreessen Horowitz and DFINITY. SNZ launched ICP Asia Fund (IAF), alongside Fenbushi Capital, Hashkey Capital, and DFINITY to incubate Internet Computer-based projects and promote the sustainable development of the ICP ecosystem.

The collaboration between Huobi Incubator and DFINITY will involve the latter lending support for a global hackathon in May 2022 called “Supernova”, which is aimed at promoting and supporting entrepreneurs and developer teams building next-generation Web3 dapps on the Internet Computer. Huobi Incubator’s contribution as a founding partner of the Supernova hackathon will collaborate with Dfinity to recruit top builders from around the globe with a grant pool of $1m — the total prize pool for the Supernova hackathon will be in the millions. In addition, the Web3 Scholarship funding platform, which was jointly established by Huobi Incubator, CoinMarketCap, Polkastarter, Poolz, DAO Maker, and Cambridge Blockchain Society, will also sponsor the Supernova hackathon with workshops and provide additional grants to winning teams.

“Public chains play an important role in the blockchain world,” said Jewel Chen, Head of Huobi Incubator. “We hope that our cooperation with DFINITY building on the Internet Computer can boost Web3 development to new heights.”

“The Internet Computer is the fastest and only infinitely scalable general-purpose blockchain, and aims to become a ‘world computer’ hosting Web3 dapps, DeFi, games, NFTs, social media, and metaverse used by billions of users,” said Herbert Yang, General Manager of Asia Operations at DFINITY Foundation. “Our partnership with Huobi Incubator to launch the Supernova hackathon, one of the largest Web3 hackathons, will allow entrepreneurs and developer teams to build things on the Internet Computer blockchain once considered impossible.”

About Huobi Incubator

Huobi Incubator is a professional, full-cycle project incubator that integrates industry research with investment funds, incubation processes and accelerators. With the mission of accelerating startup project development across all stages and users, Huobi Incubator helps entrepreneurs and startups overcome obstacles, achieve rapid growth, and work toward their respective visions and goals.

About Web3 Scholarship

Web3 Scholarship is a funding platform jointly initiated by Huobi Incubator and a group of blockchain veterans, venture capitals, universities, and encryption platforms. It will be committed to funding builders in the Web 3.0 field and providing support in many aspects, i.e,. funds, incubator mentorship and token listing opportunities for early-stage projects.


· 10 min read























